
作者:凉山彝族自治州 来源:恩施土家族苗族自治州 浏览:8417 【】 发布时间:2024-07-27 04:18:43 评论数:547


① conduct oneself well 表现良好;行为良好
英语例句 :public figures have a duty to conduct themselves well,even in their private lives.
②Try your best 全力以赴(竭尽全力做某事)
英语例句 :Try your best to sidestep for sensitive issues like this.
汉语翻译 :全力以赴避开像这样的敏感问题。

③behave yourself,也可以用It's your funeral 顾好自己
英语例句:Mind and behave yourself and don't be any trouble.
④Suit yourself 属于比较不耐烦的口气,像是“随便你”这种感觉
英语例句:Suit yourself! Here's her number.
⑤Be sure you know what you are doing. 一定要知道自己在做什么
英语例句:But, if you do something that breaks the build, is inefficient, or just plain dumb, you'll be called out by the community, so you need to make sure you know what your are doing!
汉语翻译:但是 ,如果你做的事情破坏了构建,效率低下,或者完全是愚蠢的,你会被社区叫醒,所以一定要知道自己在做什么!

有脾气的人都不放弃!年轻人耗子尾汁 。你需要这样做!
